Wet Stuff Warming 2 In 1 Sex And Massage Water Based Lubricant-100ml


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SKU: JL0069 Categories: ,

Warming has been specially designed to provide a natural warming effect that can enhance an all-over massage and increase intimate sensations during sex. Very smooth and slippery, it has excellent compatibility with condoms and all body tissues. Warming is a high performance, long lasting lubricant designed for healthy tissues.
✓ compatible with condoms
✓ hypoallergenic
✓ pH balanced
✓ easily and quickly changes to the pH of the body fluid
✓ edible
✓ sugar-free
For fabrics, soak in water only, then rinse well before a normal wash. Sponge out of carpet with plain water. Very slippery if spilled; clean up immediately.

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Wet Stuff Warming 2 In 1 Sex And Massage Water Based Lubricant-100ml


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